Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Jan 29, 2017 |
Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly
When asked what God requires of us the prophet Micah responds, "He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" On this Annual Meeting Sunday, we are called to look at how are we accomplishing this in both our church life at Emmanuel and in our day-to-day lives. We are each day active in our community, sharing our faith, and in our future will continue to love God, love each other, and have fun doing it.
The Scripture references are Micah 6:1-8, Psalm15, and 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. The Gospel reference is Matthew 5:1-12.
The Scripture references are Micah 6:1-8, Psalm15, and 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. The Gospel reference is Matthew 5:1-12.
Jan 22, 2017 |
Come As You Are
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
Come As You Are
Jesus said to his first disciples "Come, follow me" and they did without hesitating. They didn't consider their options, or discuss the pros and cons. They had no training, no apprenticeship, no practice, but they grew as they ministered and spread the Word. God's plan didn't rest on their ability to minister correctly, but on their willingness to say "Yes!", to try, to give it their best. We make decisions every day on how we will live, so dare to show up. The disciples didn't wait, and neither should we.
The Scripture references are Isaiah 9:1-4, Psalm 27, and I Corinthians 1:1-9. The Gospel reference is Matthew 4:12-23.
The Scripture references are Isaiah 9:1-4, Psalm 27, and I Corinthians 1:1-9. The Gospel reference is Matthew 4:12-23.
Jan 15, 2017 |
What Are You Looking For?
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
What Are You Looking For?
Consider Jesus' first words in the Gospel of John, spoken to two of John the Baptist's disciples who have turned to follow Jesus after he passed them on the road: "What are you looking for?" Taken at its deepest meaning, as "What are you seeking?", would we have been any more able to answer than they were? Jesus' question speaks to our deepest core, the spiritual creatures that we are as children of God, created for more than this physical world. We need to nurture our spiritual nature, to set time and practices aside that it may grow and we with it. Then we can follow Christ's invitation to "Come, and see."
The Scripture references are Isaiah 49:1-7, Psalm 40:1-6, and 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. The Gospel reference is John 1:34-42.
The Scripture references are Isaiah 49:1-7, Psalm 40:1-6, and 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. The Gospel reference is John 1:34-42.
Jan 08, 2017 |
Three Wise Men, Two Kings
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
Three Wise Men, Two Kings
The story of the three Magi searching out the infant Jesus is central to the Epiphany story, often so much that we lose sight of the two kings who are also present. Herod, named "King of the Jews" by his Roman masters, in his palace in Jerusalem acquiring more wealth and power through any means, including murder. The infant Jesus, born King of the Jews by Almighty God through the Virgin Mary, in a manger in Bethlehem, "least among the lands". Herod ascending to power at any cost, Jesus descending to Earth and emptying Himself of power to live among us. True power is not just for the Herods of this world; we are all meant to be powerful in the way Jesus was, as children of God. We all have a choice. Which king will you choose to follow?
The Scripture references are Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72, and Ephesians 3:1-12. The Gospel reference is Matthew 2:1-12.
The Scripture references are Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72, and Ephesians 3:1-12. The Gospel reference is Matthew 2:1-12.
Jan 01, 2017 |
What's In A Name?
| The Very Reverend Thomas Rosa
What's In A Name?
When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her that she would name her Son Jesus, meaning "God Saves", it was the most fitting name for the infant Savior. When we cry out to Him in prayer, is it not so that He will hear us and indeed come to our aid? When an infant is named at baptism, the child is named for all eternity and adopted as one of God's own. God knows us all by name, and desires that we live life fully and abundantly; we exist in this moment because God is thinking of us.
The Scripture references are Numbers 6:22-27, Psalm 8:1,4-10, and Galatians 4:4-7. The Gospel reference is Luke 2:15-21.
The Scripture references are Numbers 6:22-27, Psalm 8:1,4-10, and Galatians 4:4-7. The Gospel reference is Luke 2:15-21.
Dec 24, 2016 |
Always a Place for Us: Christmas Eve
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
Always a Place for Us: Christmas Eve
The story of the birth of Jesus, with the crowds thronging into Bethlehem and no rooms to be had at any cost, brings to mind those who find themselves each night without a place to call their own. But an innkeeper, showing ingenuity and accomplishing the unexpected, found a way to welcome Mary and Joseph. This thread of welcoming and hospitality winds throughout the Nativity story and extends itself into the adult Jesus' ministry, as He welcomes the outcast and the marginalized. We always have opportunity to practice this hospitality in Jesus' name; be inspired by the actions of those who were there on that first Christmas Eve, and remember that in Christ, there is always a place for us.
The Scripture references are Isaiah 9:2-7 and Titus 2:11-14. The Gospel reference is Luke 2:1-20.
The Scripture references are Isaiah 9:2-7 and Titus 2:11-14. The Gospel reference is Luke 2:1-20.
Dec 18, 2016 |
Dream a New Dream: The Fourth Sunday of Advent
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
Dream a New Dream: The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Joseph probably had the dream for his life all mapped out: marriage to Mary, a family, a trade, to be a righteous follower of the Law, to grow old in peace and quiet. But when his dream changed, when all of his preconceived plans were turned on their head, it was his faith that allowed him to accept God's plan for him in place of that for which he had hoped. It is the moments when we have to let go of our dreams and plans and be ready to see God's hand in our lives, that are the most transformational. Knowing that God has promised to restore all things, we can trust that He will bring something life-changing and we will be closer to Him for it.
The Scripture references are Isaiah 7:10-16 and Romans 1:1-7. The Gospel reference is Matthew 1:18-25.
The Scripture references are Isaiah 7:10-16 and Romans 1:1-7. The Gospel reference is Matthew 1:18-25.
Dec 11, 2016 |
Marking the Time: The Third Sunday of Advent
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
Marking the Time: The Third Sunday of Advent
As Christmas draws nearer it's often easy to get caught up in all the celebration and forget the real reason we mark this time, the birth of Our Lord. In our excitement for Christ's coming let us not lose sight of the daily tasks that are part of cultivating Christian life. We do long for the coming of God's Kingdom, but there are endless opportunities to practice for it all around us. Be patient for the arrival of the Kingdom, and also with ourselves and each other.
The Scripture references are Isaiah 35:1-10 and James 5:7-10. The Gospel reference is Matthew 11:2-11.
The Scripture references are Isaiah 35:1-10 and James 5:7-10. The Gospel reference is Matthew 11:2-11.
Dec 04, 2016 |
That We Might Have Hope: The Second Sunday of Advent
| The Reverend Suzi Holding
That We Might Have Hope: The Second Sunday of Advent
Advent is the season of hope. Many things in our lives and in the world may lead us to doubt or despair, so we must always remember the essence of Advent: God becoming flesh to dwell among us, and His ongoing works of healing. We must not lose sight of the spirit of possibility, for with Christ all things are possible, even the healing of the divisions of this world. We are called to be prophets of hope in this world, to seek and serve Christ in one another and in everyone we meet.
The Scripture references are Isaiah 11:1-10, Psalm 72, and Romans 15:4-13. The Gospel reference is Matthew 3:1-12.
The Scripture references are Isaiah 11:1-10, Psalm 72, and Romans 15:4-13. The Gospel reference is Matthew 3:1-12.
Nov 27, 2016 |
Living a Life of Readiness: The First Sunday of Advent
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
Living a Life of Readiness: The First Sunday of Advent
In Matthew's Gospel we are told that since the time of Christ's return is unknown we must always be ready, but what does that mean, "ready"? In our busy lives, how should we prepare? Being ready is about doing the things that are essential, not doing everything; not doing more things, but the right things, separating the vital from the trivial. These may include being part of regular worship, setting time aside for prayer and reflection, seeking instruction, giving of ourselves to the world around us. In its simplest form, it is what Jesus told us, "love God with all our heart and soul and mind, and love our neighbor as ourself". When we know our priorities and pursue them, then we are truly living a life of readiness.
The Gospel reference is Matthew 24:36-44.
The Gospel reference is Matthew 24:36-44.
Nov 20, 2016 |
Fences: Christ the King Sunday
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
Fences: Christ the King Sunday
In our daily life we find innumerable fences that serve to separate us from each other and from the love of God. Race, political beliefs, personal opinions or prejudices can all act as wedges that keep us from truly knowing each other and learning all that we actually share in common. Even if we don't condone or didn't create the division, we can and must cross these spiritual fences to stand alongside each other in the belief that something good and redemptive will result. Just as Christ crossed that seemingly impenetrable barrier to stand with us his children, so as Christ in the world we are called to do likewise.
The Gospel reference is Luke 23:33-43.
The Gospel reference is Luke 23:33-43.
Nov 13, 2016 |
Becoming a Child of God
| The Very Reverend Thomas Rosa
Becoming a Child of God
As we gather to celebrate the sacrament of Holy Baptism, we are reminded of our own baptisms and the vows taken by us or on our behalf in the baptismal covenant. The breath of the Holy Spirit that enters us at that moment will help us to think, feel, and see the world as children of God. As God's children we then have Jesus as our brother and all those who share that baptism as our siblings, our family; family related by more than blood. We share our lives as members of the family of God, and as citizens of the Kingdom of God.
Scripture references are Ezekiel 36:24-28, Psalm 84:1-6,10-12, and Romans 8:14-17. The Gospel reference is John 3:1-6.
Scripture references are Ezekiel 36:24-28, Psalm 84:1-6,10-12, and Romans 8:14-17. The Gospel reference is John 3:1-6.
Nov 06, 2016 |
Changing the World, One Corner at a Time
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
Changing the World, One Corner at a Time
As we study the Gospel of Luke, we are reminded time and again of stewardship as the best use of all our resources - our time, our talents, and our treasure - and a very practical way in which the Kingdom of God becomes a reality on earth. In the generosity of giving of our resources, our skills, and our possessions to the fullest extent we can, both rich and poor alike can effect real change in our Christian community, our city, and our nation. By this commitment to stewardship in common the looming, seemingly impossible problems we face become manageable and we draw closer to God and to one another.
The Scripture references are Job 19:23-27a, Psalm 17:1-9, and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5,3-17. The Gospel reference is Luke 20:27-38.
The Scripture references are Job 19:23-27a, Psalm 17:1-9, and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5,3-17. The Gospel reference is Luke 20:27-38.
Oct 30, 2016 |
Saints In Costume
| Vicki Garvey
Saints In Costume
As we celebrate All Saints' Day, Vicki Garvey shares with us how often those we think we know are often "saints in costume". Many times our perceptions of others are not accurate; we all have many layers that make us up. When we try to describe others, or ourselves, by a single label - by looks, by language, by beliefs - we will fail to see the many gifts that reside inside us all.
The Gospel reference is Luke 19:1-10.
The Gospel reference is Luke 19:1-10.
Oct 23, 2016 |
Thank God!
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
Thank God!
The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector shows how easily we fall into the trap of seeking validation by comparing ourselves to others. Rather thanking God for those things we have accomplished ourselves and looking for justification in them, look for God's goodness all around us, in those we meet, and in ourselves.
The Gospel reference is Luke 18:9-14.
The Gospel reference is Luke 18:9-14.
Oct 16, 2016 |
Let the Prayers Come
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
Let the Prayers Come
When we look at the world around us it's easy to wonder of our prayers matter, or if they are even heard. In the parable of the widow and the unjust judge, Jesus tells us that we are to be like the widow in our prayers; fervent and steadfast, not in the assumption that they will be answered, but in the faith and knowledge that what we pray for is true and right and just. Pray in the direction that our hearts lead us, to the establishment of God's kingdom on Earth.
The Scripture references are Genesis 32:22-31, Psalm 121, and 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5. The Gospel reference is Luke 18:1-8.
The Scripture references are Genesis 32:22-31, Psalm 121, and 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5. The Gospel reference is Luke 18:1-8.
Oct 09, 2016 |
Being Made Well, And Being Made Whole
| The Rev. Dcn. Douglas Rogers
Being Made Well, And Being Made Whole
When Jesus healed the ten lepers, nine continued on with haste to show the priests they had been healed; what joy they must have felt, knowing that their lives had been returned and an entirely new future stretched before them. But the one who turned back to thank our Lord, the Samaritan who was doubly outcast as a foreigner and a leper, received much more. He received acknowledgement of his faith and the wholeness that faith brings. How often have we acted like the nine, accepting our blessings without so much as a thank you? Let us with faith emulate the Samaritan, and give our thanks to He who knows our needs and satisfies them.
The Scripture references are Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7, Psalm111 : 1-4, 7-10, and 2 Timothy 2:8-15. The Gospel reference is Luke 17:11-19.
The Scripture references are Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7, Psalm111 : 1-4, 7-10, and 2 Timothy 2:8-15. The Gospel reference is Luke 17:11-19.
Oct 02, 2016 |
Faith Enough to Act
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
Faith Enough to Act
Many times we are just like the disciples, seeking for that which we already possess. As Jesus shows with the parable of the mustard seed, it's not how much faith we have that's important, but our willingness to trust that our faith is sufficient to accomplish all that He calls us to do. By choosing to follow Him, we acknowledge what Christ already knows: our faith will be there when we need it, and it will be enough.
The Scripture references are Habakkuk 1:1-4 & 2:1-4, Psalm 37:1-6, and 2 Timothy 1:1-7. The Gospel reference is Luke 17:5-10.
The Scripture references are Habakkuk 1:1-4 & 2:1-4, Psalm 37:1-6, and 2 Timothy 1:1-7. The Gospel reference is Luke 17:5-10.
Sep 25, 2016 |
A Living Hell
| The Very Reverend Andria Skornik
A Living Hell
In the parable of the rich man and poor Lazarus, Jesus shows us that although the rich man is in Hades he really hasn't died to his earthly way of life. He expects to be able to ask for favors or direct others to do his will as though he were still the rich and powerful man he once was. It's by dying to our earthly cares that we can truly experience the life that is promised to us; when we see our shared humanity we come out of our isolation to share together in God's kingdom.
The Scripture references are Amos 6:1a, 4-7, Psalm 146, and 1 Timothy 6:6-12. The Gospel reference is Luke 16:19-31.
The Scripture references are Amos 6:1a, 4-7, Psalm 146, and 1 Timothy 6:6-12. The Gospel reference is Luke 16:19-31.